facsimile magazine the greatest generation

Justin Hansch. Katie herzog. James Krone. Jason Starr.

The Greatest Generation

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 16, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

The Greatest Generation is a show of some of the best young painters in LA-Justin Hansch, Katie Herzog, James Krone, and Jason Starr. These artists are all representational painters. What they choose to represent and how they choose to represent it can be very different.


Justin Hansch is a painter who focuses on the entirety of the practice instead of an individual painting. He is showing excerpts from his "Sunday Paintings." Every Sunday, Hansch makes a painting from images in the news. The paintings become a ritualized way to create and enjoy painting. A recent graduate of the Mountain School of Art, Hansch has shown his work in Berlin and Sweden. In the coming months he will have shows in Copenhagen and China.


The paintings Katie Herzog included in this show are images in libraries. She imagines libraries as a place where children fight battles with each other and are strangled by culture and God watches over everything as a Hermaphrodite Librarian. Herzog has gained recognition for paintings where reality is psychologically skewed. Herzog holds an MFA from UCSD and is attending Skowhegan this summer.


James Krone makes paintings like George Romero makes movies. His painting of "Human Remains" is of a skeleton decomposing in the woods. The title refers to the remains of the particular human that now lies in that state dead forever and the fate of one human representing humanity. Krone is a graduate of the Art Institute of Chicago and has shown internationally with solo shows this year at Wohnzimmer Gallery in Vienna, and Galerie Schmidt. Tirol, Austria.


Jason Starr is a painter who also uses the medium in an expanded way. In the past few years he has created hundreds of paintings of people stretching. These paintings were originally intended to be a warm-up to a bigger body of work. The preparation has now become the practice. He has also started making self-portraits of himself as a baby where he has created himself as a sort of man-boy in the state of development. Starr recently received his MFA from USC and has shows planned in Europe and China this year.

Director: John Knuth

Circus Gallery
7065 Lexington Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038