Facsimile Magazine, published by Haoyan of America.
Volume Two, Number Four, 2008. ISSN 1937-2116.
Table of Contents
Hello! Warm springtime greetings friends and family,
We are having a house show & potluck bbq in exactly two weeks (Sunday April 20th) in the weeds behind the Portia house.
My very good friend Emily will be down from Portland with her back yard band, as well as local legend & equine psychologist Sad Magic.
Also, there will be a very special prize for anyone able to defeat Brick Hager in a pull-up contest battle royale style.
Also, we have a jacuzzi.
Also, some other stuff.
This promises to be an afternoon of good friends, good food, good music and good vibes.
I sincerely hope you can all make it.
The musical performances will take place in the afternoon, probably between say 5 and 7 or something to that effect, but we will be hanging out at the house all day, so stop by any time.
Oh, & please feel free to forward this message and pass along the information. All are welcome.
Love, ZL
April 20, 2008
Brick Hager's House
1431 Portia Street
Los Angeles, CA 90026